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Nature,做作周论 27 July 2023, VOL 619, ISSUE 7971
《做作》2023年7月27日 ,第619卷 ,出书7971期
Spectroscopic identification of water emission from a main-belt comet
▲ 作者:Michael S. P. Kelley, Henry H. Hsieh, Dennis Bodewits, Moha妹妹ad Saki, Geronimo L. Villanueva, Stefanie N. Milam, et al.
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▲ 摘要 :
主带彗星是位于小行星带的小型太阳系天体,在其克日点通道中一再展现出相似彗星的做作周论行动(即灰尘彗发或者彗尾) ,强烈表明冰升华。出书尽管主带彗星的文导存在象征着小行星带中有尚存的水冰,但尽管用天下上最大的做作周论望远镜妨碍了详尽探测,在这些天体周围仍未发现气体。出书
钻研组揭示了詹姆斯·韦伯太空望远镜的文导审核服从 ,它清晰地表明 ,做作周论主带彗星238P/Read有一个水蒸气彗发,出书但缺少清晰的文导二氧化碳气体彗发 。该发现表明 ,做作周论Read彗星的出书行动是由水冰升华驱动的,这象征着主带彗星与艰深彗星群有着根基的文导差距。
▲ Abstract:
Main-belt comets are small Solar System bodies located in the asteroid belt that repeatedly exhibit comet-like activity (that is, dust comae or tails) during their perihelion passages, strongly indicating ice sublimation. Although the existence of main-belt comets implies the presence of extant water ice in the asteroid belt, no gas has been detected around these objects despite intense scrutiny with the world’s largest telescopes. Here we present James Webb Space Telescope observations that clearly show that main-belt comet 238P/Read has a coma of water vapour, but lacks a significant CO2 gas coma. Our findings demonstrate that the activity of comet Read is driven by water–ice sublimation, and implies that main-belt comets are fundamentally different from the general cometary population. Whether or not comet Read experienced different formation circumstances or evolutionary history, it is unlikely to be a recent asteroid belt interloper from the outer Solar System. On the basis of these results, main-belt comets appear to represent a sample of volatile material that is currently unrepresented in observations of classical comets and the meteoritic record, making them important for understanding the early Solar System’s volatile inventory and its subsequent evolution.
Femtosecond proton transfer in urea solutions probed by X-ray spectroscopy
▲ 作者:Zhong Yin, Yi-Ping Chang, Tadas Bal?iūnas, Yashoj Shakya, Aleksa Djorovi?, Geoffrey Gaulier, et al.
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▲ 摘要:
质子转移是水相化学中最根基的使命之一,也是超快电子以及妄想能源学耦合的典型典型。在飞秒光阴尺度上解耦电子以及核能源学仍是一项难题挑战,特意是在液相 、生化历程的做作情景中 。
钻研组运用台式水窗X射线罗致光谱的配合特色来揭示水溶液中离子化尿素二聚体的飞秒质子转移能源学 。借助于重新算量子力学以及份子力学合计 ,运用X射线罗致光谱的元素特异性以及位点抉择性,钻研组揭示了除了质子转移之外,尿素二聚体的后续重排以及电子妄想相关变更若何经由位点抉择性来识别 。